No residencies available with current selection. try modifying your search.

Check in {{accomInfo.checkInDate}}
Check Out {{accomInfo.checkOutDate}}
{{}} Adults
{{accomInfo.children}} Children

Select a room


From NZD {{classification.price}} per night
Enquire Only


  • Available
  • Booked
  • Your selected dates
  • Special / Available
Rates are not available for some of the selected dates. Continuing to book this date will result in a request and we will email you back to advise the status

Your Booking

{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}


{{accomInfo.checkInDateLabel}} Check In Date required.



X Remove Selection

Price NZD {{selectedCalendarDate.totalClassificationPrice}}

There are no current rooms selected. To make a booking, select from the available dates for your preferred accommodation.

The minimum stay for {{ }} is {{classification.nights }} nights.

Total NZD {{bookingReceipt.totalCurrencyPrice}}
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings
You have chosen non-consecutive days, please adjust your booking. To book non-consecutive days, please make two separate bookings

Clubs & Groups

If your club or group wish to be included or changes made in the list, please email [email protected]

AA Alcoholics Anonymous

Tony - 029 750 8888


Beachcare Whangamata 


Tanya Patrick - 0272 767 309



Justin Rogers - 027 563 5900

[email protected]


Christmas Parade 

Geoff Marsh - 021 025 72270


Croquet Club 

Maree Burt - 021 211 9879


Dementia Support


07 8657978


Equestrian Group 

Debra Thain - 021 297 2317


Enterprise Whangamata

Jennie Black 

021 0232 1661


500 Club 

Robert Watson - 021 742 865


Golf Club 

Titoki 18 hole - 07 865 8479

Williamson 9 hole - 07 865 8815


Gymnastics Club 

Ruth Hanner - 022 084 8692



Dinny Fokke - 027 686 2141


Indoor Bowls RSA

Jim Foley - 07 865 9985


Mahjong RSA 

Phone: 07 865 9419


Marina Society 

07 865 6274



Shona Taikato - 027 497 7236 

[email protected]

Arts Collective Whangamata

Gaye Barton - 027 444 557

Graeme Smith -  0274 974 825

Busy Fingers

Adrienne Aislabie - 07 865 8015


Bridge Club 

Cushla Jarvis - 021 323 719 

Sheryl Hill - 027 2099 741


Coastguard 24 hours

[email protected]

07 865 800


Dancing - Rock & Roll 

Gaby Alter - 027 298 5390


Line dancing Whangamata Club 

Colleen Wilson 

[email protected]


Line Dancing RSA

Ann Alder 027 8577307/ [email protected]

Gayle Donavan 021475771/[email protected]


Euchre - RSA 

Phone: 07 865 9419


Garden Club 

Kay Baker - 027 671 7604


Grey Power 

Cushla Jarvis - 07 865 711

Maree Burt - 07 865 8924


Garden Club 

Kay Baker - 027 671 7604 



Lynn Parsons - 0274 918 024


Harbour Care 

Lyn Norris - 021 151 5607


Lions Club 

Chris Brown - 027 257 6602


Memorial Hall 

Norm Sayer - 07 865 9685


Mahjong Whangamata Club 

Tina Palmer - 027 245 5878

Dayle Ryan - 021 145 4534


Oceans Sports Club 

Phone: 07 865 8704


Patch & Quilting 

Wendy Dowling - 027 472 0452

[email protected]



Kevin Daly - 027 750 5060


Ratepayers Association 

Rob Boston - 020 4181 1070

[email protected]


RSA President 

Geoff Marsh - 07 865 9175, 021 0257 2270


Rugby (Junior) 

Jethro Dyer - [email protected]


Omni Club 

Heather  - 022 458 5155


Prostate Cancer Support

Ross Falconer - 021 894932

Ian Hunt - 027 479 1768


Rebus (Formally Probus) 

Chris Sommerville - 027 676 5005


Road Riders 

Chris Brown - 027 257 6602


RSA Women's Section 

Lyn Ward - 07 865 6244


Senior Net 

Bob Storey - 027 820 5775 

[email protected]


Senior Walkers 

Pat Worth - 0274 1905 32, 07 865 8182


Search and Rescue 

Brian Farquhar - 021 0237 2851, 07 864 7565 

Terry Mutton - 021 128 1290



Barbara Hare - 021 732 473


Tennis Club 

Sue Blanchett - 021 253 6077


Theatre Society 

Greg Amos - 022 501 5875

Jude Brittan - 021 188 5134


Tramping Club 

Chris Conroy - 07 865 7228



Rod Whatley - 027 659 4133


Sunday Market 

Suzzane Clegg - 07 865 9836, 022 651 2250


Surf Life Saving 

Andrea Paynter - 07 865 8401

[email protected]


St. John Ambulance 

07 865 9011


Thai Chi 

Cherry Estcourt - 021 112 3997


Toy Library 

Jenny Stewart 021 584 070

Trish Fagan 07 865 6134


Whangamata Bowling Club (Outdoor) 

Keith Miles - 07 865 6955

Peter Preston - 0210 836 1914


Whangamata Club

Address: 404 Port Road, Whangamatā 3620

Phone: 07 865 8705


Whangamata Sailing Club 

Collin Reid - 07 865 9489


Whangamata Kaumatua Ropu 

Lynnie Tipene - 07 865 8443


Whangamata 4WD Club 

Gordon Turner - 021 385 385 

[email protected]


Whangamata Summer Festival Inc.

Renee Meiklejohn  021 606 767

Whangamata Creative Fibre 

Robyn Henry - 027 280 4328


Whangamata Mens Shed 

Rob Boston - 020 4181 1070


Whangamata Yacht Squadron 

Ross Stewart - 021 493 886

Caroline McKeown - [email protected]


Whangamata Scouting Group 

Simon Rogers - 027 483 9949


Whangamata Community Swimming Pool 

Rob Boston - 020 4181 1070

07 865 7296